De-Stressing Your Pool Maintenance: Salt vs. Chlorine
Many summer childhood memories revolve around a strong chlorine smell, dry, itchy skin, and bathing suits with reduced color and elasticity. Those fond memories, of course, are all about the hundreds of hours spent in and around a chlorinated swimming pool. Fortunately, chlorine doesn’t need to be part of the summer fun equation anymore, because now we have saltwater pools!
Even though salt-water technology has been around since the 1970s, it’s only been recent that salt-water pools have become the preferred choice for pool sanitation. Much of the popularity can be attributed to the fact that salt-water pools save money, are much healthier than chlorine options, and cut down significantly on pool maintenance.
Keeping the Algae in Check
The difference between the two options is that a saltwater pool’s chlorine is adjusted at the generator control box by adding more salt to the water. The salt is constantly re-circulated, so it’s pretty much add it and then check it to maintain proper levels! By contrast, the chlorine system must be adjusted by physically adding chlorine to the pool. Whether you are paying someone to maintain your pool or you are doing it yourself, keeping a chlorine pool in balance and no algae growing requires a lot of hours and expensive chemicals.

Chlorine tablets are one of the easiest ways to maintain a pool’s balance, but they are toxic and relatively expensive. A 50-pound pail will cost $155 at pool stores in Louisville.
Chlorine primarily comes in tablet, stick, and liquid forms. Because of its toxic nature, care must be given to store it properly to avoid human exposure. To maintain a chlorine pool, you should figure monitoring and adjusting the levels on a weekly basis. Saltwater pools will require you to check and clean cells in the generator two to four times a year. Both systems will need occasional shocking, which is simply over-chlorinating a pool for a super clean.
Better Return on Investment
It is more expensive initially to install a saltwater filtration system, but that expense is quickly offset financially, maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Pools with a saltwater system are always more attractive to potential real estate buyers if and when you decide to sell your home and pool. If you currently have an older chlorine system, you can convert it to saltwater.

This little pool diver appreciates the fact his family chose a saltwater filtration system because it is easy on the eyes and skin!
As of four years ago, we at Derby City Pools deemed the benefits of saltwater systems so strong that we decided to stop installing chlorine systems. For families with children, the healthier option of saltwater, or saline systems is very significant. Think red eyes, dry skin, a strong chemical smell, and the possible exposure to toxic chlorine fumes.
In summary, a saltwater system will cost more initially, but you will have lower annual maintenance costs, a better ROI, easier upkeep, and a healthier environment. With a chlorine system, your initial cost will be lower, zero ongoing energy cost and you maintain chemical control.
We are always happy to answer any questions. For additional information, give us a call or contact us today.